Micro hacks that produce macro results
Micro hacks that produce macro results

Rajesh Setty


If there was one lesson that 2020 has taught us, it would be that however smart we are, we on our own are not fully capable of dealing with what the "unknown" may throw at us. There is no real guarantee that next year will be any different when it comes to the nature and level of uncertainty around us. In this talk, Rajesh will share a few micro hacks that can lead to macro results irrespective of the level of uncertainty that may be around us.



7 Takeaways

Srikanth Srinivasa

Dec 24, 2020 | 05:24 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Set up building blocks to create a growth environment Leveraging one's core sterength to give , share so it can be reciprocated Setting threshold for happiness How to attempt things with a positive go get attitude

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

Being fully present , understand reality and plan next steps

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Better communicator and be accountable and set realistic expectations. Look for areas of failure to mitigate and take corrective action

Cess Sumerfield

Dec 23, 2020 | 03:52 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

It is the way you say things that matters

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

Be more observant.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Will get feedback from other people.

Kevin Powers

Dec 23, 2020 | 03:26 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

To remember the importance of maintaining an open mind as I enter each meeting.

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

Be reminded that each interaction's outcome can be successfully influenced by the positive inputs I provide.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Ensure I make time to incorporate continuous learning in my engagements.

Sutapa Maity

Dec 23, 2020 | 03:17 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Give honest feedback.

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

Be open, Be happy, Be passionate.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Be happy, Be passionate.

vidit sanghvi

Dec 23, 2020 | 03:17 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Biggest learning for me was How you guys handled this session from appreciating board of members to education and all of it.

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

I will try to follow some examples Rajesh mentioned.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

I will hold upmost to apply.

Karl Gonsalves

Dec 23, 2020 | 03:16 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Reframing Conversations

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

Try to apply proactively

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Take a moment each day to evaluate

Anisha Tekwani

Dec 23, 2020 | 03:13 am

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Go to any meeting / conversation with an open mind and to think that this could change your life.

What is the one thing you will do differently based on what you learned?

Be present in any conversation

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Self Review