Lifelong Learning is NOT optional
Lifelong Learning is NOT optional

Rajesh Setty


Lifelong Learning is NOT optional

Learning does not end when you get out of college. In fact, for many of us, the real learning actually begins when you start your work - producing value, making an impact, sometimes exchanging that for money. Lifelong learning not only is the path to riches, but also the path to enrichment.



10 Takeaways

Amit Mathur

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:26 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

My Biggest Takeaway is to create a Think list for everything I come across on a daily basis

What new actions would you take?

Allocate 2 hours timeslot on weekends to go through my think list.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

I will try to post those things on my blog.

Rathnakumar Udayakumar

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:26 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

High and low fidelity thinking

What new actions would you take?

I am gonna form a sound sharing panel, be more open to people and give equal importance to feedbacks shared.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

I will make sure I have a diverse sound group to share my views with and be very honest to myself on how I evaluate each of them without being biased. Also have a mentor whom I want to work with on different parts of my life.

Sam Gourav

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:23 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Topic about Cascading Blind Spot. Topic about finding a blind spot Dunning Kreger effect.

What new actions would you take?

To do deep learning To ask the magic questions 1.Is there anything I am missing 2.What am I not seeing and what should I have seen?

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

I will talk with my seniors and mentors.

jack hughman

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:22 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

There are two: importance of mentor(s) in life. importance of reading books.

What new actions would you take?

- Read more books - Try to find mentors - Look for your cascaded blindspots, unconscious incompetence - Try to always ask 'am i missing any point here?'

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

I will tell the summary of this session to my wife and see if we can come up the practical action plans to apply the takeaways from it.

Sidhartha Mohapatra

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:21 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Framework to apply learning - 1. Recurrence 2. Recursion 3. Reciprocation 4. Action

What new actions would you take?

Create a To-Think list. Apply the learning framework. Be in the action than being on the sidelines.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Add the learning to my 2021 goals and track it thru the Mastermind 2021 program

Chirag Maheshwari

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:19 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

New Book - Thinking in BATS High fidelity thinking process.

What new actions would you take?

Read the book Find a mentor

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

By placing in habits daily rituals

soumendra satapathy

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:18 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Learning how to Eradicate my Unconscious Incompetence

What new actions would you take?

1. Build deeper competencies in the areas of my focus / interest. 2. Be proactively curious about different aspects of the subject in focus 3. No point is a silly point ! So we need to respect and address all our curiosities.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

1. I will consciously try to dig deeper into things and not take the obvious. 2. The devil is always in the details - so will always strive to dig the details of a subject under focus 3. Be mindful of the fact that my point of view/ understanding may not be the only one, there may be finer points which i might be missing

Harsha G

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:18 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Identify blind spots

What new actions would you take?

Attend more mentoring sessions

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Check my actions from time to time

Ravi Kumar

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:17 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

My biggest takeaway: Life is a series of conversations - with others or with yourself. If you master these two conversations, you can upgrade your life.

What new actions would you take?

Be more intentional about these two conversations and make them empowering

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Do weekly reviews to track the quality of my conversations

rajesh kumar

Jan 31, 2021 | 04:16 pm

What was the biggest takeaway for you?

Cascaded blind spots and types of conversations we have

What new actions would you take?

Will be aware of my conversations. Both self and external converstation.

How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?

Will ensure my conversations help me in my growth.