
Raj Sisodia


It is the Congress of Innovation and Disruptio , presented by Banco del Pacífico and ESPOL. It was created in 2017. The purpose of TIDco 2019 is to break the paradigms on the concept of innovation and generate conversation about the future of the industry.



4 Takeaways

Sara Rivas

Aug 14, 2019 | 03:54 pm

What was your biggest takeaway from the talk?

Como excelentes líderes debemos generar o liderar negocios con amor al prójimo y a la naturaleza. El capitalismo consciente

What is one thing you will do differently based on what you learned from the talk?

Enfocarme y enfocar el liderazgo al trabajo colaborativo consciente

Jorge Salcedo Compte

Aug 14, 2019 | 03:44 pm

What was your biggest takeaway from the talk?

Happiness is profitable

What is one thing you will do differently based on what you learned from the talk?

Make employees enjoy going to work

Juan Lafuente

Aug 14, 2019 | 03:40 pm

What was your biggest takeaway from the talk?

Healing anda Slice

What is one thing you will do differently based on what you learned from the talk?

Levantar la conciencia del líder, aplicarlo enfocadamente pensando en todos los que los rodean

Pancho De La Cruz

Aug 14, 2019 | 03:38 pm

What was your biggest takeaway from the talk?

Business as a vehicle healing changes the mintset and action in our society.

What is one thing you will do differently based on what you learned from the talk?

Start treating people as people not elements of productivity. It is very easy to focus only in profitability and not see the cost of it.