Staying Steady Amidst Chaos:
How you can use- and even transform- your business and your body into tools for inspiration in a topsy turvy time.
- A one minute skill to minimize overwhelm and stress.
- How to use your senses to Transform your Body and Business
-Identify overwhelm and stress early to guide your organization's mission and vision through chaos and get your team and clients onboard.
-Three keys to make sure everyone is communicating effectively.
- A 5 step framework to transform your business into an inspiring force for good during difficult times.
1 Takeaways
Apr 23, 2020 | 09:43 pm
What was the biggest takeaway for you?
How I feel impacts others
What is one thing you will do differently based on what you learned from the talk?
Check in with my body
How will you hold yourself accountable to ensure that you apply one or two things you learned?
I'll ask my team