In the first webinar of the Streamlining Success series, we discussed the four strategies to communicate Customer Value beyond the adoption metric.
In the second of the series, we will discuss how to build a 360 degree view of the customer. Creating a master customer record is key to data-driven analysis and automation. To create this “golden” record, multiple datasets need to be “wrangled” together: Sales, Support, Billing / Subscription, Product Telemetry etc.
Join Abhijeet Khadilkar, CEO of enterpriseCX, former Senior Director, CX Strategy and Product Management at Cisco as he talks about the importance of building a data-driven CS organization. Learn about the various challenges and opportunities associated with integrating siloed data.
8 Takeaways
Dec 06, 2019 | 03:31 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
We are overwhelmed with data. If we don't measure we can't improve so it's necessary to bring all data together and learn from it with the right technology that gives us a 360 view of our customer.
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
Incrementally begin to bring siloed data together to form a complete, quality focused data store. And push for budget for a CS platform. (need to be evaluated)
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
Dec 06, 2019 | 07:37 am
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
The data struggle is real, and I should look further beyond the qualitative data. But think simpler in getting the full customer overview and how to include this in the health score (e.g. number and type of contacts at a customer, development and value of opportunities to a customer)
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
Include different aspects in data overview and review of the customer.
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
More specifics on what data is key in which stage of the lifecycle. Or if it is the same data, how to specify that it fits the stage.
Dec 04, 2019 | 07:51 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
Number of data sources CS orgs have integrated for customer analysis vs avg number of tools a typical org is using
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
Continue to prioritize data hygiene by developing ways to motivate the team to maintain accuracy and completeness.
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
Would love to see some insight into top applications used by segment, industry, company size/funding.
Dec 04, 2019 | 07:25 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
The three steps of bringing data together. And how many people dont have their systems integrated
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
I would like to read Abhijeet's book
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
I would like to know more about Enterprise CX
Dec 04, 2019 | 07:25 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
Pushing harder for unification of data.
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
Value Based Outcomes
Dec 04, 2019 | 07:25 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
Data integration and wrangling data is key
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
Explore more integration opportunities
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
More in-depth look at some examples.
Dec 04, 2019 | 07:24 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
Data wrangling is a significant endeavor which must be undertaken in order to gather the data for a useful customer 360 view.
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
Learn more about data wrangling
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
More about how to use Strikedeck effectively.
Dec 04, 2019 | 07:24 pm
What was the biggest takeaway from the session?
data is important
What new actions would you take as a result of today's workshop?
need 360 degree view
Which additional topic(s) would you like us to cover in the future?
More on customer success best practices